
We had a good run, my favorite paddle and I.
I'm sure you've heard the rumors by now. The sad, sad, and totally true rumors that the CRBN paddles have all been banned from sanctioned tournament play by the USAP.
According to the DINK, it all went down at the US Open, and as I understand it, mid tournament. A bit extra in my opinion, as it is my understanding that previous paddle companies have been shown a little more grace in similar situations. But probably I'm just butt hurt because my CRBN1 is my favorite lady.
In fairness, I'm coming up on a year since I started playing pickleball, and have had three paddles. The first was a Head one we got from Dicks which turned out to be awful (but hey, it was good enough to get me hooked!). The second was a Pro Kennex Ovation Speed II. I (with my limited knowledge) do really like this paddle. It's super fast and easy to maneuver. Plus I LOVE the unique shape. May have been why I bought her (Fredricka is her name) in the first place. But she does have a bit more pop than I was looking for, or maybe then I was ready to handle. Then I found the CRBN 1.
I knew nothing about the brand, to be honest. Aaron had read that based on some tests it supposedly got the most spin, and had ordered himself one. He didn't like the elongated shape, so I gave her a go, and fell in love. Mostly with the aesthetics of the paddle, if I'm being honest. At least at first. Mine is all black, and from one of the runs where it doesn't even say "CRBN" along the side. She's simple and stunning, and looks great with neon over grip. Aesthetics aside, I started to really enjoy playing with it. It took me some time to get used to, but as I started working on top spin drives and shots of the like, I just felt like I could really let her rip, but like, in a controlled way.
There are some out there saying that they think this paddle basically gave them super powers. That they were "attacking from their shoelaces" and what not. I personally never felt like that, but I do like her.
Anyhoo, now I'm on the prowl for a new paddle that is as close to the CRBN1 as I can find. But like, legal. If you have any suggestions send them my way!
Happy pickling,
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